The Empire Lights is a London band from Australia and Ireland composed of Sarah Starr and Ronan McCormick.
Read the new interview with the amazing singer Sarah Starr.
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A wonderful voice to discover after reading this interview.
So is Sarah Starr your real name? Or a stage name?
My real name is Sarah Reeve, and I was signed as a solo artist as Sarah Reeve for a few years when I was a teenager so I wanted to change my name to something more vibrant and catchy and have a fresh start with my new name.
Where did you grow up?
Queensland, Australia. By the beach!
At what age did you start singing?
I have been singing as long as I have been speaking. My parents put me in piano lessons when I was 4, I was dancing on stage when I was 2, busking with my sister when I was 12 and performed in musical theatre from the age of 7. I've always had a career in music, from gigging covers, to busking, to releasing my own original music, to songwriting…
What and or who, are some of your musical influences?
Michael Jackson is my biggest influence and inspiration. He changed the music industry and his music is so incredible, not to mention his dancing and his style! And I also love The Beatles and Coldplay.. Oh and John Mayer and Norah Jones.. there's too many to name!!
How did you get the idea to create a group?
I was a solo artist and I wasn't happy with the direction my team was going in, so I wanted a fresh start and formed The Empire Lights with Ronan.
How did you choose the name?
We had a different name initially, which everyone hated, so then with some friends, we had some drinks, wrote loads of names on a whiteboard in our studio and joined the words Empire and Lights together. Funnily though, I alllllllways wanted a band with the name empire or lights in it, so it made sense to put the 2 together!
Have you had previous experience as a singer? Can you give us details of past singing experiences?
I've had singing lessons since I was 14 and grew up performing in musicals. I was songwriting since the age of 7 and recording my first CD at the age of 15. Then I got signed by a European company when I was still a teenager and lived for a few years touring, releasing, recording and doing it all from radio, festivals, TV, school gigs.. It was great and very exciting living the life, but I was lonely, and always wanted to be in a band so that's why I decided to start a fresh and create a team around me that wanted exactly what I wanted.
Do you play any instrument in the band?
Piano is my main instrument and I have also had extensive training in flute and violin. I want to learn the saxophone and cello!
Do you write all the lyrics of the songs?
Yes I write all the lyrics. I don't feel honest representing myself as a singer, singing someone else's story… unless I could relate to it!
What do each members of the group contribute?
There's only 2 set members in The Empire Lights. We've had musicians come and go, helping us out with gigs and recordings.. A great friend of ours, Barry, our old bass player, recently left as he has started a career as an electrical engineer, but we're all still keen to perform and record together one day! For Ronan and myself, it was always only ever going to be music… The Empire Lights is our baby.
I read that a EP was being prepared, when does it come out?
We don't have a release date set but big things are planned!
Can you explain a bit about this EP?
We're still in recording stage, so it's only early days!
Is your album soon due?
Our plan is to record 3 EPs over the space of 1 year, and then release an album after that… but plans change and anything could happen!
On your website, there are links to music and fashion (Favorite fashion blog, Fashion Sarah...). Who's idea was it?
I have always loved fashion. Being on stage from such a young age, I always had to think of my appearance and be aware that the person in the back row of the theatre should be able to see my outfit. I've always loved sequins and glitter, anything with a bit of sparkle or shine! And Michael Jackson is my biggest idol so he inspires my fashion in a way too! I started the blog because I love getting dressed up, and we go to so many events and gigs, I thought it would be fun to show everyone what I wear every now and then. I also make a few clothes, so it's exciting showing people my creations!
Speaking of fashion, do you wear glasses for fashion or are they prescription?
If I didn't wear my glasses, I would break my neck! I've been wearing glasses since I was 7, and before then, I couldn't see properly!
Why didn't you wear your glasses for the first video, do you prefer contacts?
I sometimes wear contacts, depending if my outfit suits glasses ;)
What do you think of this blog and have you discovered some singers?
It's a great blog! Any chance to support other musicians is amazing.
Are you open to travelling to any location for show?
Yes, I travelled all across Europe and Australia for performing! I hope we can tour Canada and the USA this year!
If you weren't singing, what would you be doing?
I would be dead.
What do you hope for 2014?
To gain new fans who love our music and our style. To release 3 EPs and for them to receive a lot of radio play and their music videos to generate a lot of views and plays on music video channels… For our songs to be featured in movies, TV, ads, or to be in the process of that happening… To support a bigger band and to go on tour… to basically keep building the momentum of our music and our fan base!!! Oh and to meet Paul McCartney ;) ;)
Interview released with Nina Sarenka Rud
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