Skye Zentz is a singer/songwritter from Norfolk, Virginia.
She has been writing songs since the age of 3. She plays most of her songs
on guitar or ukulele with an incredible beautiful voice.
She released two albums, 'Legitimate Bohemia' (2008) and 'Bird Heart'
'Legitimate Bohemia' recieved a nomination for 'Album of the Year'
at the 2008 Portfolio Music Awards.
The new album 'Bird Heart' (recorded at Tap Tap Recordings in Norfolk) is avalaible on her website:
Skye have been wearing glasses since high school and she loves them. She
always wears her glasses during live performances, so, go quickly see her on
Recently, she played with another great singer with specs, Danielle Ate the Sandwich.
Look at her channel and listen her amazing music: Skye Zentz. This is a video with the amazing Danielle Anderson.